Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thoughts on 'The Secret' - Part 3

First of all, I apologize how long this post ended up being, but I really wanted to hit all the points that I did.  I plan on writing a Part 4 to address a few other things in closing.  That being said, let's begin.
Things I disagree with…
1.      The Universe responds to your thoughts, that is, it is intimately aware and responsive to your thoughts and what makes you happy.   

       - Sounds like ‘If you think it, it will come’.
2.      The Universe wants you to act quickly.  Don’t second guess yourself; seize the opportunity.

            - I have a lot of issues with this when initially interpreting what I believe they mean.  There are many decisions in life for which making a decision hastily could be costly.  There are many decisions in life that should not be taken lightly and should be accompanied by advice and insight from family and friends.

The particular context of this statement was when a girl was hoping for a boy friend and some guys asked her to come over and play volleyball and then leave with them to hang out or 'go out'.  Does the advice refer to specific situations where it would be good to take a risk and go for it?  Are there times when the 'Universe' would want us to second guess ourselves?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts on ‘The Secret’ - Part 2

Things I agree with…

      -  Your thoughts are powerful things; they can drive, shape, and impact your actions, relationships, and your future.  

      -  What you put your mind on, impacts your attitude and actions.  If you are always thinking about negative things then those thoughts will negatively impact your attitude and actions.  Put your mind on things that are ‘good’.

      -  Thoughts and emotions can manifest into material things, insofar as the placebo effect.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thoughts on 'The Secret' - Part 1

Last night, 5/22, I sat down to watch a movie (more of a documentary) with my family that I had never heard before: The Secret.  See the Trailer

I am going to offer my initial thoughts and reactions to it in several different blog postings, this being part 1.  First let's take a look at an excerpt from the above Trailer:

Trailer Excerpt:
"And now the great glimmering of truth can be revealed again.   

You know this secret gives you everything you want: happiness, health, and wealth.  You can have, do, or be ANYTHING you want.

I've seen many miracles take place in peoples' lives:  Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing in relationships.

All of this happened because of knowing how to apply the secret"

This is perpetuated as the great secret of life.  At first glance, it has similarities to what is referred to as… 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hey, can you send me that picture?

A friend just asked me if I had a picture on my phone of an item, in order to show their grandma.  When asked, I responded 'nope don't have', because I assumed they were wanting me to send the picture from my phone to them at that moment. 

If I were to write this down in my journal and then someone (dubbed Person A) in the future came along and read it, they may say 'Oh look! Proof that he was lying and didn't want the other to see it!  He said that he didn't have the picture, but later on he emailed it to his friend, probably out of guilt for lying.  So he did have it!'

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's been a long time

Wow, March 7 of 2009: my lost post. What have I been doing? That is over a year, amazing how time flies. I am updating my blog and I intend to post more regularly now (linking to it via my Twitter account).