Somehow it turned into week 6 already. Whew. I really need to push myself to shoot for at least posting once a week, since that is the idea of a blog, to consistently journal over time.
Over the past month, I would say I have learned more about human factors and business than I have since April 4, 1985. The way teachers conduct the class differs greatly from professor to professor. One professor conducts our meeting time as a seminar and it is ran nothing like a normal undergrad class by any means. Another prof runs it similarly to most undergrad classes I have taken. He has many stories and experiences he lectures on. Most of my other teachers fall somewhere in this range.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Week 2
Well, as you can see I haven't posted for a while. I think since my last post I have written several papers, read 300-400 pages, and have tried to figure out what exactly it is that I am supposed to be doing since there is a lot of confussion amonst my collegues as to what exactly we are supposed to be doing. I've pulled some late nighers staying up until 2:30 or 3:30am while I am still kinda sick. I would like to post several times a week but I have not been able to even think about posting and spend time doing it until now. I feel that I have been eating, breathing and sleeping CICS classes, homework and my graduate assistant ship (GA) in the Nursing lab for IT. I have had a few down times on the weekend to spend more time with friends and have down time but I don't really get that at all throughout the week.