Somehow it turned into week 6 already. Whew. I really need to push myself to shoot for at least posting once a week, since that is the idea of a blog, to consistently journal over time.
Over the past month, I would say I have learned more about human factors and business than I have since April 4, 1985. The way teachers conduct the class differs greatly from professor to professor. One professor conducts our meeting time as a seminar and it is ran nothing like a normal undergrad class by any means. Another prof runs it similarly to most undergrad classes I have taken. He has many stories and experiences he lectures on. Most of my other teachers fall somewhere in this range.
The main difference from my undergrad work that I have seen in my graduate program here at the Center for Information and Communication Sciences is in what they expect from us. A much higher level of professionalism is expected and much is demanded for our schedules. I'm starting to realize what one of my professors said the first week, "... just wait until week 6 when everything is coming together...". There are many projects, assignments, and readings going on at the same time and it is all still building up to some point weeks or a month down the road. The first week this exhausted me with stress. I have now adapted in many ways to being busy and expect it. The program is only built for 11 months of fast paced work, so it won't last forever.
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