Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Parkview #2 1/24/09

[As transcripted from my journal]

1/24/09 12:40pm

"Yesterday, Friday, I went to Parkview for the 2nd official time. Brandon was sick and couldn't make it. I had a short moment where I wanted to take the easy way out and just not go. It would save me the trouble of catching MITS buses and walking in the cold, I thought. I had to work from 10-1pm and after I ate at home I came back to campus at 2:15 to get some things done first (turn in course-add registration form and drop off keys to room mate). Activities time starts at 2:30pm and it was almost that time already. I also had several things that I could start on like the AT&T Challenge for CICS and mixing songs I would like to have done soon. I thought back to my freshman year in high school for a split second and remembered my hardcore tennis coach Mischler and how he said to 'stick to the path' & 'no shortcuts' & 'shoulda, coulda, woulda' (although his 'stick to the path' was literal, he would yell at us if we didn't stay on side walks to cut through grass to get some where quicker).

Saturday, January 24, 2009

1st Official Parkview Nursing Home visit (1/16/09 )

[As transcripted from my journal]


"After several trips to Parkview Nursing Home here in Muncie IN last year (month or 2 ago), we had our first time with the residents today. I made up 1.5 hrs of work in the Nursing LRC from 9:30-11am and then I worked out until ~ 12:15pm. I caught the MITS bus and met a friend, Brandon, at the main station downtown. We hopped on the 1:00pm bus and arrived at Parkview about 10-15 minutes later.