Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Parkview Nursing Home

What's going on with this?
When our group got back from LT this summer, one person (Brandon) talked to me about an idea he wanted to run with. He feels like there are mainly two groups of people that don't receive enough attention or get pushed aside: children and the elderly.

This vision was to visit a local nursing home every week to let them know people care about them and that they are not forgotten. We would talk to them and listen to their stories and our own as well.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Here is a brief rundown on the current projects I am working on:

602 - Human Communications - practical communications in a seminar setting
  • I wouldn't consider this a project, but I am working on my Theory of Human Communications for my mid-term exam during week 10 (currently in week 7).

630 - Research Methods
  1. IBM's Symphony System620
  • Design and conduct a research study of IBM's Symphony System in comparison with Microsoft's Office System. We will examine:

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 6

Somehow it turned into week 6 already. Whew. I really need to push myself to shoot for at least posting once a week, since that is the idea of a blog, to consistently journal over time.

Over the past month, I would say I have learned more about human factors and business than I have since April 4, 1985. The way teachers conduct the class differs greatly from professor to professor. One professor conducts our meeting time as a seminar and it is ran nothing like a normal undergrad class by any means. Another prof runs it similarly to most undergrad classes I have taken. He has many stories and experiences he lectures on. Most of my other teachers fall somewhere in this range.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 2

Well, as you can see I haven't posted for a while. I think since my last post I have written several papers, read 300-400 pages, and have tried to figure out what exactly it is that I am supposed to be doing since there is a lot of confussion amonst my collegues as to what exactly we are supposed to be doing. I've pulled some late nighers staying up until 2:30 or 3:30am while I am still kinda sick. I would like to post several times a week but I have not been able to even think about posting and spend time doing it until now. I feel that I have been eating, breathing and sleeping CICS classes, homework and my graduate assistant ship (GA) in the Nursing lab for IT. I have had a few down times on the weekend to spend more time with friends and have down time but I don't really get that at all throughout the week.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I didn't know what to call this post, since it's an overall update on many things.

Alright, I have started adding some new info here.

Things have been really busy between classes, work, and other various things going on throughout the week. Graduate school is definitely a lot different than undergrad work. There is a higher sense of responsibility, professionalism, time management, commitment, etc. The teachers have a different method (and personality) of teaching. This program has a very high success rate of grads being placed in great companies in high positions. As the semester has gone on, I have come to see how much more prestigious the program is with all of their faculty enabling students to become great. I just included the link on the right under 'My Links' for the program.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Blog created

Alright, just got my first blog created! I will soon be posting, standby.