Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts on ‘The Secret’ - Part 2

Things I agree with…

      -  Your thoughts are powerful things; they can drive, shape, and impact your actions, relationships, and your future.  

      -  What you put your mind on, impacts your attitude and actions.  If you are always thinking about negative things then those thoughts will negatively impact your attitude and actions.  Put your mind on things that are ‘good’.

      -  Thoughts and emotions can manifest into material things, insofar as the placebo effect.

There is a lot of truth that I found in the video, mostly regarding the importance of your thought life.  If you always have negative, cynical thoughts, then that will impact your attitude and actions, which emanates through your social circles and impacts them as well.  This can be seen in the workplace from a person that is always complaining, i.e., a ‘Debbie-downer’.   This, I have no issue with.  But here, is not where it ends.

Up Next: Part 3 - Things I disagree with.

Check out this TED video concerning 'The Hidden Influence of Social Networks'

Video reference thanks to my buddy Adam Lehman.

* A mixture of paraphrases and quotes I took on my cell phone during the video

Please see my related posts detailing my thoughts after watching 'The Secret' video:
Thoughts on 'The Secret' - Part 3:  Things I disagree with... 
Thoughts on 'The Secret' - Part 4:  Final comments


UnderEaglesWings said...

Wow, interesting video. I can't help but notice how short your post on things you agree with is! Positive thinking can be powerful, but doing that alone won't benefit you much. (I think you mentioned that, if not on the post, then elsewhere.) The way you think and process things, certainly do effect your demeanor and how others perceive you, but how far does that go? I guess we'll see in the next post! Looking forward to it!